AxOps engages select IT partners to augment our services 🤝

iQlink (United Kingdom)

iQlink's team have many years' experience working with the Intapp DealCloud, Kantata SX (formerly Kimble PSA), and Salesforce.com platforms, delivering services backed by certified Salesforce Administrators, and veteran Kantata SX experts.

They have over 10 years' experience in delivering implementation, development, and integration solutions on the Kantata SX PSA solution, PSA/CRM Administration, Data Integrations and Interfacing.

Their services coupled with their extensive practical experience in the Professional Services, Legal, and Consultancy sectors, makes them one of our most valued partners.

Kantata SX (formerly Kimble PSA) Intapp DealCloud Salesforce PSA & CRM Solutions

Komalogic (Spain)

Komalogic is a Quant Research firm combining expertise from across the quantitative finance, social sciences, and world history domains, to create novel systematic trading models.

The firm's multidisciplinary approach aims to provide investors with investment vehicles uncorrelated to the global economy, and within an absolute return mandate.

A technology company at its core, KomaLogic also provides FinTech SaaS development services, backed by the same proprietary tech stack that powers their Quant Research function.

Quantitative Finance Portfolio Management FinTech SaaS Development

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